Volunteers give Walker Swamp a boost at Field Work Fridays
Hello there, Tom reporting in from Walker Swamp.
After a massive effort from NGT volunteers and staff we have planted around 1600 plants back into the Walker Swamp landscape.
We successfully planted the remaining 700 seedlings that were kindly donated to us from Ella Plumanns Pouton at Melbourne Uni. Many thanks to Ella and her team for the supply of these seedlings and to Arboline nursery in Hamilton for the care of the seedlings until we finally got them in the ground (see my previous blogs for the full story).
Another big thank you must go to the Bill Weatherly, Friends of the Forgotten Woodlands, for the supply of this year’s seedlings. The seed was collected from nearby Walker Swamp and grown a stone’s throw away, which makes for a great connection and partnership with Bill and his team, as well as the best chance of success for the local seedlings.

The monthly volunteer Field Work Fridays have been a great success and very enjoyable days working on tasks that have included tree planting, bird surveys, general tidy ups and help with the repairs to our small shed at Walker Swamp. A huge thank you to all who have attended the monthly Friday!
The remaining Field Work Fridays are set for Friday October 28th and November 25th. November’s Field Work Friday will be the sign-off for this year, with a BBQ celebration. The event starts at 10am at the Walker Swamp lookout car park. Please email me if you would like to come along.
I’m also looking forward to seeing you all at the Walker Swamp event, as part of the Grand Tour in October!
To support long-term volunteer opportunities and management of NGT Reserves please consider donating to the NGT Foundation.
Tree donations and efforts have been made possible by the support of Arboline Nursery, Melbourne Uni and the team at Friends of The Forgotten Woodlands.