A huge thank you to the NGT team and volunteers: An amazing effort through a year of challenge

It has been an unusual year to say the least! 2020 was a year of challenge and uncertainty and made it difficult to predict what was ahead; at times we doubted whether we would be able to continue all the important work we strive to do at NGT.

On reflection, we also have much gratitude for being able to continue to work and have the unwavering support of the team and volunteers. Things had to look a bit different for a while and although we weren’t able to work with our volunteers in the field for some time, we are thankful for their ability and willingness to be flexible and find ways to assist remotely and from home. Throughout the year volunteers contributed well over 1,000 hours to undertake some amazing work – from sorting minuscule Glasswort seeds to help the endangered OBP, building breeding habitats and caring for Southern Bell Frogs, tackling invasive weeds and building important infrastructure within NGT Reserves … and so much more!

To all the people who have supported and volunteered to help NGT’s projects we thank you wholeheartedly. The great outcomes achieved wouldn’t have happened without your support. To our readers and newsletter subscribers – we thank you too! Sharing stories and knowledge is such a big part of the conservation story. We also wish you all a safe and merry Christmas and holiday period … we look forward to sharing many more great stories with you in 2021!!

Here’s a gallery of just a few moments of volunteers in action during 2020 …

Lauren Kivisalu