Author: Lauren Kivisalu

Last month Lauren B and I spent a few days sampling the Surry River estuary in Narrawong, south-west Victoria. This small pilot study aimed to look at possible sampling methods and locations for a longer-term program to build more understanding and community awareness around the...

The recent spring rains across parts of south-eastern Australia have meant significant flows in waterways and the filling of wetlands; some seeming to appear before our eyes. Lachie has provided a great summary of the hydrological impacts across NGT's wetland restoration reserves in another post...

'Whoop-Boom!' Over the past several weeks NGT has been helping with the Glenelg Hopkins CMA's Bittern Recovery Project, by undertaking listening surveys across several wetlands in south-west Victoria. 'Whoop-Boom' is the sound we have been eagerly listening for - the call of the male Australasian...

The Surry River estuary at Narrawong in south-west Victoria contains the 'Salt-Wedge Estuaries Ecological Community'; which is one of 25 known representations of this community along the southern Australian coastline, from the South Australian/Victorian border to Wilson's Promontory in Gippsland. The Salt Wedge estuary community...