Author: Bryan Haywood

Last month, NGT highlighted the exciting expansion of Mount Burr Swamp Restoration Reserve with our Stage II area. Over the coming months we hope to show our supporters the amazing work going on to restore wetlands in this area and the broader landscape out at...

Over the past year or so, we've been regularly featuring the butterfly species most at risk of extinction in south-eastern Australia in a series entitled Butterflies on the Brink. You can catch up on the previous articles at the following links: October 2021, December 2021...

The Repairing the Past project is a collaboration between NGT and three other landholders in the Upper South East of South Australia, plus Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation, Limestone Coast Landscape Board, and other community members and organisations to repair the impacts of past land management actions...

NGT have been contracted (in South East SA and western Vic) to undertake many terrestrial fauna and flora surveys over the autumn-winter-spring-summer period of 2022. In fact, that has been our busiest run for this type of work in the past 10 years!Needless to say,...