‘Recharge Farm’ Project update: Let’s take a video tour of the Mount Burr Swamp Stage II Restoration area!

Last month, NGT highlighted the exciting expansion of Mount Burr Swamp Restoration Reserve with our Stage II area. Over the coming months we hope to show our supporters the amazing work going on to restore wetlands in this area and the broader landscape out at NGT’s Mount Burr Swamp Restoration Reserve. The ‘recharge farm’ project is promoting an important concept for the Limestone Coast community to understand and embrace, as it highlights the importance of improving our management, understanding and appreciation of the above and below ground water resources across the region, and the direct connection between the two.

To recap, you may have heard about the Regional Recharge Farms concept in 2021. Recharge Farms are locations in the landscape where water is retained in natural wetland features to passively increase recharge to (or reduce the depletion of) the shallow unconfined underground aquifer (you can find more info in this post). Mount Burr Swamp is one of the first two test case sites for this concept, in partnership with the Limestone Coast Landscape Board. The other is NGT’s Hutt Bay Restoration Reserve (the works at this site can be seen here, and a little of the results viewed here).

We hope you enjoy this short video as it takes you on a journey around the Stage II restoration area and adjacent plantation area of Mount Burr Swamp, to give you a feel for the site in its modified state before any on-ground works commenced.

PS – Stay tuned for a summary of the restoration works next month!

The project is supported by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board, through funding from the South Australian Government’s Landscape Priorities Fund and the Australian Government’s National Water Grid Connections Funding Pathway.

Bryan Haywood