Author: Bryan Haywood

[caption id="attachment_29350" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Silver Xenica set free in its new home at Honan NFR[/caption] The Silver Xenica butterfly translocation project has completed year one in the recovery of the species in South Australia. 40 females and 20 males have been carefully captured and transported from...

The dry summer and autumn might be contributing to the lowering of the water level at Mt Burr Swamp, but the aquatic life on the swamp is still thriving, with dragonflies and damselflies maintaining good numbers and diversity. A variety of waterfowl are also still hanging around...

[caption id="attachment_18258" align="alignright" width="200"] Silver Xenica (Source: J Tuck)[/caption] The Silver Xenica Oreixenica lathoniella herceus is a small native butterfly, occurring in cool climate regions across South Eastern Australia and Tasmania. The species prefers open grassy woodland habitats and requires specific grass host plants during their...

Thanks to the wet spring last year, we finally saw NGT's Eaglehawk Waterhole (our restoration reserve in the Upper South East), back to looking at its best - with large areas of shallow seasonal wetland inundating the SA blue gum and buloke woodland flats for the first...