Adelaide Parklands

Could you ever imagine that a butterfly would be helped by an ant to complete its life cycle?! When you consider that ants can be a formidable force in the bush, its amazing to know that ants will tend to a particular special caterpillar species...

[caption id="attachment_37002" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] The wonderful grassy woodland of Wadmore Park.[/caption] Campbelltown Landcare Group have invited NGT to undertake a fauna survey of Pulyonna Wirra (Wadmore Park) this year. The project aims to collate records on mammals, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates in Wadmore Park, through various...

[caption id="attachment_27352" align="alignright" width="266"] Ancient Greenling Damselfly (Hemiphlebia mirabilis)[/caption] Dragonflies and Damselflies are fascinating creatures. The main difference between the two groups (as outlined in Part I) is the appearance of their wings and whether they can fold their wings when at rest. As adults, they...