Author: Ben Taylor

Back in late March 2023, following a prescribed burn, NGT oversaw earthworks at Hesperilla Conservation Park, a reserve that protects an important remnant of the critically endangered Fleurieu Peninsula Swamp ecological community. The earthworks backfilled several drains that were drawing groundwater out of the swamp...

NGT's investigations into the potential for hydrological restoration of the Aldinga Washpool commenced in early 2021, thanks to a Green Adelaide Grassroots Grant. That grant culminated in our 2022 Ecohydrological Restoration Assessment Report, which outlines several options to restore the original shape, depth and general...

Last month we shared with readers the story of recent works at Stipiturus Conservation Park, near Mt Compass, south of Adelaide. Sandbag structures first installed in 2017 were covered with soil, using a small excavator, in early April this year, converting them from temporary to...

At our recent Fleurieu Swamps Field Day we explained the latest restoration works at Stipiturus Conservation Park (CP), on the Fleurieu Peninsula south of Adelaide, but we haven't yet informed our readers from further afield. These works mark an important milestone in the restoration of...