Author: Jonathan Tuck

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Yellow Navel (Omphalina chromacea)[/caption] This shot of a tiny Yellow Navel (Omphalina chromacea) was taken while undertaking bushcare work in the Wannon Falls Scenic Reserve near Hamilton. The Yellow Navel is commonly found on the ground in association with mats of algae, and...

Get involved in the art and science of woodland birds! [caption id="attachment_11560" align="alignright" width="250"] Woodland Birds Through the Lens flyer[/caption] On Friday August 28 at 7pm, BirdLife magazine photographer and ecologist Dean Ingwersen is giving a free talk at City Hall, Mount Gambier. Currently leading the Regent...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Veined Helmet-orchid, SA[/caption] This photo of a Veined Helmet-orchid was taken in the Upper South East of SA, when the crew was out translocating orchids (other species) as part of the Restoring the Underrepresented Ecological Communities of the South East (RUEC) project. You can see...

[caption id="attachment_11560" align="alignright" width="250"] Narrawong P.S. planting days[/caption] Early in June, budding green thumbs from Narrawong Primary School helped to plant more than 400 native trees and shrubs at the Narrawong Swamp (south of East Street), alongside ecologists from Nature Glenelg Trust. The swamp has a history of...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Waterbirds on Lake Linlithgow (Photo: J. Tuck)[/caption] This photo of waterbirds was taken out at Lake Linlithgow this week, about 20 minutes east of Hamilton. 59 waterbird species have been recorded on the lake, and with water slowly returning, so are the...