Community Nursery Project

Ryan and I have been working together to keep the nursery ticking along while we work towards the next planting season. We have recently sown a LOT of seeds for various reveg projects, including several grass species. Currently we have the following for sale: Feather-heads (Ptilotus macrocephalus) - now flowering...

What better gift could there be than the gift of colour, interest, and diversity? We can help you with this! Native wildflowers make a great addition to any garden, and can even be grown in pots. Pop into the nursery or email Rose () to see what...

One of the important roles of the NGT community nursery is to conduct research into propagation techniques for species which are generally not available in existing commercial nurseries. Discovering germination cues - "cracking the code" - or other important propagation information, will eventually lead to an increase...