Eaglehawk Waterhole Habitat Restoration Reserve

For over three years Andy Lines has been our amazing on-site caretaker at Eaglehawk Waterhole. He has systematically pulled and sprayed Salvation Jane over the entire property, fumigated extensive areas of rabbit warrens, mapped wetland boundaries with GPS, pulled down old fences, collected insects, recorded...

Over 8000 plants made their way into the ground recently after four days of planting by NGT staff and volunteers at two sites. Over 50 individuals were involved in the planting events at Eaglehawk Waterhole and Mount Burr Swamp Restoration Reserves. Seedlings were produced by...

In just a few weeks, a team of NGT staff and volunteers will be converging on Eaglehawk Waterhole to undertake this year's revegetation plantings - and we'd love for you to join us. The past few years have seen large scale revegetation at this property, NGT's...

It’s nearly that time of year again – planting season is upon us! Along with other staff and volunteers our nursery officer, Ryan, has been working hard all year to produce seedlings for this years’ revegetation efforts. Over the next couple of months we will be planting...

In December 2017, the Australian Government announced the final round of grant recipients under the 20 Million Trees Program. Of the 52 projects approved for funding nationally, NGT was extremely fortunate to receive funding for two projects, to continue revegetation work on our two restoration reserves:...

Thanks to the wet spring last year, we finally saw NGT's Eaglehawk Waterhole (our restoration reserve in the Upper South East), back to looking at its best - with large areas of shallow seasonal wetland inundating the SA blue gum and buloke woodland flats for the first...