Eaglehawk Waterhole Habitat Restoration Reserve

Nature Glenelg Trust has recently planted its first area towards achieving the milestone of restoring 70 hectares of the Eaglehawk Waterhole property. A range of understorey species (~ 900 individual plants) have been planted to boost the restoration process after livestock were removed back in...

If you’re keen to make a difference to habitat in the upper South East, there's a big planting day coming up early next month! It all kicks off on Saturday July 4 from 10am til 4pm at the St Aubin’s property (just across the road from...

From Bryan Haywood: Fumigating rabbit warrens is hard yacka but an essential part of land management - especially when they are in moderate to large numbers. These introduced ground-dwelling herbivores are a major pest in agricultural situations and also in native vegetation and revegetation areas. [caption...

From Bryan Haywood: Are you wondering what you could do over Easter? Well, we have just the activity for you! The Bangham district - just north of Frances - has not seen a biological survey for small mammals and reptiles for some 25 years. With the relatively...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Tawny Frogmouth at Eaglehawk Waterhole, SA (Photo: J. Tuck)[/caption] This shot of a Tawny Frogmouth was taken at NGT's restoration property Eaglehawk Waterhole - near Frances, SA. A host of birds have been seen through there recently including Diamond Firetails, Red-tail Black-cockatoos,...

January 15-17th, 2015 A party of nine made the trek to Eaglehawk Waterhole for a two night working bee campout. On the first night while the weather was calm the crew went out spotlighting for rabbits (out on the sandy hills) throughout the property. Over 25 were seen out...

On a busy day for NGT across our region, last Saturday (the 6th of December) saw our final Community Nursery event for the year taking place, with our Seed Collecting workshop at Eaglehawk Waterhole near Frances in the Upper South East. [caption id="attachment_9270" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Local...

We have two exciting workshops coming up in the next few weeks which we would love you to be involved in!   How to Create a Butterfly Garden Thursday, 20 November, 4-6pm Community Nursery, Vansittart Park, Mount Gambier [caption id="attachment_8440" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Shouldered Brown Heteronympha penelope[/caption] Do you remember seeing...