Eaglehawk Waterhole Habitat Restoration Reserve

[caption id="attachment_7932" align="alignright" width="150"] Tatiara Pea in full bloom in the seasonal herbaceous wetland[/caption] Tuesday the 21st October 2014 is the next scheduled outing for volunteers to help NGT with a unique restoration story of Under-represented Ecological Communities. Last month at the Eaglehawk Waterhole campout we managed...

The first Eaglehawk Waterhole working bee was held this week, with a great turn out of volunteers helping with a range of tasks and enjoying the peaceful surroundings of the Bangham area. Ten people made the campout a great success from Sunday 28th September to Wednesday...

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"] Greenhoods blooming amongst the old fenceposts at Eaglehawk Waterhole - 03/09/2014 (photos J. Tuck)[/caption] After the Eaglehawk Waterhole Open Day back in May, steady progress has been made to keep this new restoration reserve moving in the right direction. Infrastructure and weed...

In some very recent, exciting news, I am pleased to announce that earlier in June (after a lengthy competitive tender process), Nature Glenelg Trust was awarded the contract to deliver the Restoring the Underrepresented Ecological Communities of the South East (or RUEC) project. The RUEC project...