Fish conservation

The large ambush predator Murray cod is an iconic freshwater fish species of the Murray-Darling Basin and was the focus of a couple of interesting features this week. Firstly, a video by a recreational fisher captured a large Murray cod (over one metre) guarding its eggs (that white mass on the...

The eastern slopes of the Mount Lofty Ranges (hence Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges), spanning from Mannum to Goolwa, represent an important agricultural region and is home to over 60,000 people. The region offers diverse aquatic habitats, including stream and swamp (including nationally threatened  Fleurieu Swamps) habitat as well as connectivity with...

The Managing the recovery of Murray crayfish in the southern Murray-Darling Basin project is well underway with a number of important events taking place recently. Firstly, repeat monitoring of sites impacted by the 2010-11 blackwater event has highlighted increased numbers of crayfish in affected areas. Whilst these outcomes of the monitoring...

[caption id="attachment_6189" align="alignleft" width="300"] The release team![/caption] A small, but significant, release of southern purple-spotted gudgeon recently took place in the Lower Murray.  Approximately 225 fish were released by students from Alberton Primary School and Urrbrae Agricultural High School into the wetland north of Murray Bridge where...