Green Swamp Restoration Reserve

We are in the early stages of developing a volunteer-based wetland monitoring program to learn more about the ecological responses of two restored wetland systems in the southern Grampians. The Walker, Gooseneck, and Brady Swamp wetland complex, and Green Swamp, have undergone significant hydrological changes over...

On the weekend of the 17th and 18th of April, the Hamilton Field Naturalists' Club hosted the South East Australian Naturalists' Association (SEANA) autumn 2021 campout. The event had been cancelled in 2020 due to COVID-19, so it was great to see it go ahead...

Back in August I reported on some wetland levels near the Grampians, and much has changed since then. At that stage we were coming out of what had been a pretty dry winter. However, we were hopeful and awaiting realisation of BOM's long-term forecast suggesting...

After nearly three years in Warrnambool's CBD, we have relocated our western Victorian coastal office to Deakin University's Warrnambool Campus. This new arrangement gives us access to all of the excellent facilities on the campus, and will open up more opportunities for working with staff...