Long Swamp Restoration

Last year I was invited to speak at a fantastic single day restoration workshop in Sydney attended by around 300 people, and the event was recorded by the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR) for RegenTV - a diverse on-line educational resource set-up by AABR for...

It was World Wetlands Day last week (on the 2nd of February) which means the latest edition of Wetlands Australia Magazine has hit the virtual shelves. This time around two NGT stories feature, including: an article by our ecologist Lauren Veale about the latest native fish monitoring...

I recently had the pleasure of attending the annual Australian Society for Limnology (ASL) Conference in Ballarat.  The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Waters of past and present: shaping pathways for future management‘ and focused on decision making in times of uncertainty. This theme...