
The first of many working bees occurred within the Ramsar-listed Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park recently, whereby the Mt Gambier Friends of Parks group helped to create additional habitat through our Restoring Under-represented Ecological Communities project. This region-wide project (being run by Nature Glenelg Trust on...

If you didn't get a copy of the latest edition of FTGU, it had a couple of NGT articles that we can share with you here, one about Robbie the Bittern and another about Malleefowl. Enjoy! [caption id="attachment_11944" align="aligncenter" width="378"] Article on Robbie the Bittern from...

[caption id="attachment_6189" align="alignleft" width="300"] The release team![/caption] A small, but significant, release of southern purple-spotted gudgeon recently took place in the Lower Murray.  Approximately 225 fish were released by students from Alberton Primary School and Urrbrae Agricultural High School into the wetland north of Murray Bridge where...