
The latest edition of "From The Ground Up" has recently arrived from Natural Resources SE, and with it a couple of articles from NGT that are worth a closer look. So in case you've missed out, here they are! [caption id="attachment_14048" align="aligncenter" width="620"] NGT's article on Bringing...

This beautiful Common Fringe-lily (Thysanotus tuberosus) was spotted in Brown Stringybark heathy woodland habitat during the recent Heath Mouse survey in Honeysuckle Native Forest Reserve. [caption id="attachment_14039" align="aligncenter" width="491"] Common Fringe-lily - Thysanotus tuberosus. Photo: Mark Bachmann[/caption]...

Hackett Hill and Honan Native Forest Reserves are a carpet of colour at the moment in the Swamp Gum grassy and herb rich woodland areas.  Native daisies of various species, Vanilla and Fringe lilies, Scurf Pea and native mints are blooming nicely at the moment. The Dusky...

The southern water skink (Eulamprus tympanum) is a medium-sized skink species found in New South Wales, Victoria (incl. Bass Strait islands) and South Australia. Typically, they have three colour bands along their body of olive-brown on top with dark flecks, a black band along its flanks...

 As mentioned last week in the first of this series of Eaglehawk updates, there has been a lot of action on and around the property in recent months. One important, and ongoing, task at Eaglehawk is weed control, and from September to November new casual NGT...