Photo of the Month

  [caption id="attachment_13817" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Long Purple-flag (Patersonia occidentalis) in Mt Burr Range, SA[/caption] As we come towards the end of a dry Spring, the Long Purple-flag (Patersonia occidentalis) is just finishing its flowering period, where it has splashed seasonally inundated/damp areas with bursts of purple. However, if...

[caption id="attachment_13359" align="aligncenter" width="212"] Sea Holly and butterfly, Amalfi Coast, Italy(Photo: R. Thompson)[/caption] One of our staff recently holidayed in Mediterranean Europe and was happy to see many familiar looking plants, such as this Sea Holly (Eryngium amethystinum) which is relative of Eryngiums found in our...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Yellow Navel (Omphalina chromacea)[/caption] This shot of a tiny Yellow Navel (Omphalina chromacea) was taken while undertaking bushcare work in the Wannon Falls Scenic Reserve near Hamilton. The Yellow Navel is commonly found on the ground in association with mats of algae, and...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Veined Helmet-orchid, SA[/caption] This photo of a Veined Helmet-orchid was taken in the Upper South East of SA, when the crew was out translocating orchids (other species) as part of the Restoring the Underrepresented Ecological Communities of the South East (RUEC) project. You can see...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Waterbirds on Lake Linlithgow (Photo: J. Tuck)[/caption] This photo of waterbirds was taken out at Lake Linlithgow this week, about 20 minutes east of Hamilton. 59 waterbird species have been recorded on the lake, and with water slowly returning, so are the...