Southern Brown Bandicoot

Threatened Species projects form a large part of what NGT does; helping native fish, rare birds, reptiles, small mammals, bats, marine creatures, frogs or insects. We try to do it all, but we rely on the support of volunteers, community groups, businesses, local, state and...

National Threatened Species Day is celebrated annually on the 7th September to commemorate the death of the last Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacine) in Hobart in 1936. Although the origin of National Threatened Species Day is sad and gloomy, it is a good time to reflect on...

The dry summer and autumn might be contributing to the lowering of the water level at Mt Burr Swamp, but the aquatic life on the swamp is still thriving, with dragonflies and damselflies maintaining good numbers and diversity. A variety of waterfowl are also still hanging around...

The Southern Brown Bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus obesulus) is a medium-sized, ground dwelling marsupial mammal, which was once common in south-eastern Australia. As a result of the cumulative impacts of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, altered fire regimes, and introduced predators, the species is listed as Endangered nationally. However,...

Well it was this time last year (in 2016) that we reported on how the third 'once in a decade' digging abundance survey for the Southern Brown Bandicoot was back underway. Through the Restoring Under-represented Ecological Communities project, NGT ended up completing the survey in 2016...

Students from Millicent High School and Newbery Park Primary School have started to transform the Honan to Woolwash wildlife corridor into what might one day become a 'bandicoot highway'! [caption id="attachment_27827" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Millicent High School students listening to planting instructions[/caption] The ForestrySA Biodiversity Corridor School Program’s aim...