Threatened mainland fauna

Recent wet conditions over spring and summer have resulted in a bumper year for records of the nationally endangered Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus), or 'boomer', known for its deep booming call. In fact, for the first time since restoration, a Bittern was detected in early...

In an exciting step towards Nature Glenelg Trust's long-term plan to return the Eastern Quoll into the forest surrounding Mt Vandyke, it is great to be able to share the news that we are partnering with the Dunkeld Pastoral Co Pty Ltd and Rhynie Pastoral...

The Greater Bilby (Queensland Government) Given the ongoing conversation we've been having about things like threatened mainland fauna, the new NGT project at Mt Vandyke and conservation fences, an interesting story from south-west Queensland late last year grabbed my attention.In this ABC News article, we heard...

A couple of months back, there was a fantastic little story on the ABC News website about Eastern Quolls in south-western Victoria. With so much other news to get through in recent months, we're finally managing to share it now! Eastern Quoll at the Dunkeld Pastoral...

Further to the previous edition of "Forgotten Fauna", a fantastic paper by Rob Wallis (see below this blog) was recently published in the Victorian Naturalist, and provides some great insights by sharing a number of early recorded observations of eastern quolls in western Victoria. As...

For any readers who have previously completed the stretch of the Great South West Walk through the Cobboboonee forest, you might recall that not long after you leave the Fitzroy Camp, a small in-lying parcel of private farmland suddenly appears, situated on a volcanic peak...