Mount Vandyke Restoration Reserve

It has been several months since our last update from the South West (Vic) Eastern Quoll Hub back in March, so we have a couple of interesting updates to share!First of all, the three eastern quolls released into Rhynie Pastoral's free-ranging enclosure (Shepherds Hut Sanctuary)...

Further to our recent Eastern Quoll Hub update in SW Victoria, it was great to see the news of quolls being released once again into Booderee National Park, situated within the Jervis Bay Territory (which is a small coastal territory associated with the ACT, on...

Our Community Nursery site at Vansittart Park is in a fantastic central location for our volunteers, and allows us to grow seedlings for numerous restoration projects. However, space at our small nursery is limited and we have nowhere to expand, and this year's planting season...