
It’s been roughly a year since we’ve had an update from Eaglehawk Waterhole, NGT's first Restoration Reserve located near Frances, SA. Over the past 12 months, we’ve managed considerable community interest in spending time at Eaglehawk Waterhole on a range of activities, including: bird watching and...

(Note:  this article was written in May 2020) Over the past 8 and half years, I have been regularly asked all sorts of questions about Nature Glenelg Trust (NGT) - usually when out and about at community events or when giving presentations to community groups -...

Last month, Mount Gambier TAFE SA students headed out into the bush with NGT to undertake seed collecting as part of their Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management studies. Students visited a number of local environments to learn about the diversity of plant species, seed types...

The year may have only just begun, but NGT volunteers have already been actively involved in a range of projects and activities around the region. A number of volunteers have been doing a fantastic effort in helping Ryan manage the native plant nursery as part of...

Last Saturday, the Bittern Recovery Project and NGT ran a field survey for Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus) in Long Swamp, near Nelson in south-west Victoria. Since NGT’s hydrological restoration work at Nobles Rocks, the wetland has seen an increase in suitable habitat for the nationally-endangered...

Last month I was privileged to be invited as a speaker at the 2019 South Australian Landcare Conference in Bordertown. This year the theme was “Landcare Unearthed – Celebrating Diversity, Managing Landscapes”, and the three-day event brought together people from all around South Australia and the...