Wetland Restoration

Humble apologies for not providing an update before now. Burning the candle at both ends and all that!!! Please enjoy a short summary of the people and activities of Eaglehawk Waterhole Restoration Reserve over the last few months to the end of 2016. Water, wetlands, and wildflowers It was a...

I recently had the pleasure of attending the annual Australian Society for Limnology (ASL) Conference in Ballarat.  The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Waters of past and present: shaping pathways for future management‘ and focused on decision making in times of uncertainty. This theme...

Thanks to the fantastic help of volunteers from the Millicent Field Naturalists Society and the support of the current owners, a few weeks ago NGT installed a temporary structure in the artificial channel that drains Mt Burr Swamp - in readiness for settlement. This might not be the biggest...

After the recent post about a Platypus sighting, we received some fantastic feedback from our newsletter subscribers. Ryan Duffy from Parks Victoria said the sighting caused a bit of excitement in their Grampians office, because the only official records and recent sightings from within the National Park are on the...