Wetland Restoration

Last week I attended a small gathering near Kingston in the south-east of South Australia, held at the location of the new regulator installed on Blackford Drain. The regulator and off-take channel at the site are key pieces of infrastructure in the South East Flows...

Back in February, I had a great chat with Selina Green from ABC South East. In a wide-ranging chat that took us all around the region, we talked about current NGT projects at Hutt Bay, Long Swamp, Walker Swamp and Mt Burr Swamp, and plans for the...

Further to our previous announcement of upcoming restoration opportunities in western Victoria, funded with the support of the Victorian Government, our project to permanently restore Long Swamp (Discovery Bay Coastal Park) is underway and works are now just around the corner - capping off a...

A series of recent grant funding announcements are providing NGT with a welcome boost to our wetland restoration activities in western Victoria! Firstly, the Australian Government has now confirmed the recipients of 'National Landcare Program – Environment Small Grants' around the country - you can see the...

[caption id="attachment_27352" align="alignright" width="266"] Ancient Greenling Damselfly (Hemiphlebia mirabilis)[/caption] Dragonflies and Damselflies are fascinating creatures. The main difference between the two groups (as outlined in Part I) is the appearance of their wings and whether they can fold their wings when at rest. As adults, they...

Back in January this year, Lachie wrote this great summary article about the restoration of Scale Swamp and the subsequent return of Brolga and other waterbirds to the site. Nature Glenelg Trust restored Scale Swamp in 2013 with the support of the the landowner, Dunkeld Pastoral Co.,...

Last Saturday, I had a great chat to Rod Sparks on his morning program for ABC South East about our wetlands in the region, why they matter and what we are doing about it at NGT. To hear more, click on the player below! [audio mp3="http://natureglenelg.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Mark-Bachmann-Swamps-with-Rod-Sparks-ABC-Sat-11th-Aug-2018.mp3"][/audio] [caption id="attachment_30029"...