Wetland Restoration

It is just over 12 months since we completed the restoration feasibility assessment for Glenshera Swamp in Stipiturus Conservation Park, and I am pleased to report that the planning has now been turned into the first stages of on-ground action! Thanks in particular to the Fleurieu Swamps...

It is hard to believe, but it has been 12 months since we completed the restoration options report for Glenshera Swamp, in Stipiturus Conservation Park, and if all goes to plan then the first steps towards improving the hydrology of this important wetland will hopefully get...

Last year I was invited to speak at a fantastic single day restoration workshop in Sydney attended by around 300 people, and the event was recorded by the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR) for RegenTV - a diverse on-line educational resource set-up by AABR for...

It was World Wetlands Day last week (on the 2nd of February) which means the latest edition of Wetlands Australia Magazine has hit the virtual shelves. This time around two NGT stories feature, including: an article by our ecologist Lauren Veale about the latest native fish monitoring...