Celebrating an amazing 10 years of NGT’s work for the environment!

Over the past 12 months, I have been hearing about anniversaries of various charitable environmental organisations we interact with across south-eastern Australia, all of which are doing great work. Here are some of the anniversary milestones I can recall that were either highlighted last year, or that were mentioned as coming up this year…

  • 60 years: Nature Conservation Society of SA (founded in 1962)
  • 50 years: Trust for Nature (established by the Victorian Government in 1972)
  • 40 years: Trees for Life (founded in 1981) and Nature Foundation SA (founded in 1981)
  • 30 years: Bush Heritage Australia (founded in 1991) and Australian Wildlife Conservancy (founded in 1991)
  • 20 years: Tasmanian Land Conservancy (founded in 2001)
  • 10 years….

And we can now add Nature Glenelg Trust to the list, having just passed the 10 year milestone since the organisation was created in late 2011 and then publicly launched on the 16th January 2012!

Although this makes us the ‘new kids on the block’, reaching 10 years is significant and we feel it is worth celebrating. With this in mind, we are planning on having a few opportunities throughout the year for you join us to get a feel for the breadth of NGT’s achievements, and to say thank you for the wonderful support of so many people and partner organisations – without whom we could not have accomplished so much. Keep an eye on upcoming newsletters for all the details.

But for now, and given the current wave of the pandemic we are hoping will soon peak and pass, we’ll kick the year off in a COVID-safe way, with a recorded presentation of the NGT story so far – giving you a chance to learn about the origins and evolution of Nature Glenelg Trust over our first decade.

This video (see below) is a specially recorded version of a talk I previously delivered to the Chatsworth-Woorndoo Landcare Group in late 2021, presented here now to mark the start of our 10th anniversary year, in January 2022.

As this is a 50 minute-long, somewhat meandering tale (prepared for a seminar) – grab a cuppa, and we hope you enjoy hearing all about the inside story of NGT!

(PS – if you have more questions after watching, you can also complement this video presentation with a closer look ‘under the bonnet’ by reading this article on our website which explains in some detail the way NGT operates).

Mark Bachmann