For now, keep up to date with what’s happening by downloading the 2013 Cross-border SPRING Environmental Events Calendar!
There’s so many great groups and organisations hosting a range of activities throughout the South East South Australia and Victoria’s South West, and we wanted to help spread the word about the opportunities on offer. Working bees, talks, outings, monitoring, training, field days, art exhibitions….you name it, it’s happening in our region.
Please click here
high quality pdf electronic version of the SPRING Calendar (3.4 MB)
Please click here
lower quality pdf electronic version of the SPRING calendar (1.7 MB)
Note: you can press “stop slideshow” underneath the images below, and it will stop the images from automatically changing – to give you time to read!
So why not get up close to nature that’s right here, at your back door?

Southern Bell Frog (c)
Does your group/organisation have an upcoming event over the SUMMER months (Dec, Jan, Feb)? Contact the NGT team by THURS 24 OCT for your event to be included in the next calendar.
The 2013 Biodiversity ‘Up Close’ events
NGT along with a host of partners bring you the Biodiversity ‘Up Close’ events – a series of FREE walks, talks and opportunities for you and the family to meet the experts and learn about the amazing things nature offers across the South East of South Australia and Victoria’s South West.

- 2013 “Up Close” Official Events
For all the details please click on the image above to enlarge or click here for a high quality pdf the 2013 Up Close Events flyer
What is Biodiversity? Biodiversity is the variety of all living things; the different plants, animals and micro organisms, the genetic information they contain, the ecosystems they form and how they interact and connect with each other and the environment.
Thank you! The ‘Up Close’ events are made possible by funding by the State NRM Community Grants program, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, and the support of Natural Resources South East, Forestry SA and various local community groups and organisations.
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