Narrawong Swamp Working Bee

05jun11:00 amNarrawong Swamp Working Bee

Event Details

Time to get your fingernails dirty!

Nature Glenelg Trust and the Narrawong District Primary School are holding a Revegetation Planting Day and Working Bee at our little wetland site at the end of East street. There will be lots of seedlings to plant, and some care needed for all the existing plants that are growing up! All are welcome, with a BBQ lunch provided at the end.

Please bring along some sturdy shoes, gloves if you have them and weather-smart clothing. You are asked to register with Lauren, at or ph: 0437 464 004 to help with organising equipment and catering.

This wetland is a wonderful educational space for the school, just down the road, and is helping to restore an endangered vegetation community, so it would be great to see you there!


(Sunday) 11:00 am



East street, southern end (at the walking track to the beach)


Lauren Kivisalu

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