Orange-bellied Parrot Count in South-West Victoria
Images provided by Chris Tzaros; please respect ©.
","organizer":[{"@type":"Organization","name":"Nicole Mojonnier"}]}20mayAll Day21Orange-bellied Parrot Count in South-West Victoria
Event Details
The Orange-bellied Parrot has been monitored for over 30 years and this year’s winter count is as important as ever. The OBP was predicted to go extinct by 2013-2015, but
Event Details
The Orange-bellied Parrot has been monitored for over 30 years and this year’s winter count is as important as ever. The OBP was predicted to go extinct by 2013-2015, but is still hanging on thanks to the efforts of many people across Tasmania and the south-eastern mainland. Now you can take part in the program!
Come and join us for the official OBP count in May. During this two day event, volunteers will be searching for the rare bird along the mainland coast from the Murray Lakes-Coorong all the way to South Gippsland.
Available search areas in SW Victoria span from Nelson to Peterborough. Please contact Nicole for more information or 0414 778 309.
Images provided by Chris Tzaros; please respect ©.
may 20 (Saturday) - 21 (Sunday)
Far south-west Victoria coast
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