It’s a Wedge-tailed eagle chick!
We were expecting chicks… and chicks we got!
As previously reported (see previous post) NGT was again monitoring wedge-tailed eagle nests within the pine forests of OneFortyOne. Two of the 12 monitored nests were active this breeding season and we were hoping that both, the pair of peregrine falcons and the wedge-tailed eagles, would be successful with their breeding.
We are excited to welcome one wedge-tailed eagle chick and two young peregrine falcons to the South East. Last week all nests were visited one last time for this year and we were lucky enough to observe one large eagle chick enjoying the warm sunshine from the edge of the nest.

A wedge-tailed eagle chick in one of the nests amongst the OneFortyOne plantations. Photo taken by C. Farrell
The peregrine chicks are a bit more advanced and were ready to fledge. While one of the two juveniles was exploring the immediate environment from the air, the other one was still a bit hesitant and was observing its surrounding from the safety of the nest.
Thanks to Chris Farrell who has kindly volunteered his time to join us on our surveys to take some impressive images for us. Please respect copyright.