NGT welcomes Bec, Tom and Leah to the team!
In some fantastic recent news, I am pleased to be able to report that NGT has welcomed Bec Sheldon, Tom Sheehan and Leah Kemp to our team. Matching the geography of our work, they are spread around south-eastern Australia!
Bec is based in Hobart and now working part-time for NGT as a Senior Wetland Ecologist. She is contributing her fantastic skills in wetland ecology, hydrology and monitoring, alongside myself and Ben, as we tackle the many different but vital elements of the eco-hydrological investigation of Moulting Lagoon and the Apsley Marshes.
Tom is based in Port Fairy and is working as our Field Works Officer on a number of projects in south-western Victoria. It will be great to share some of the work he is doing in future updates.
Leah is based in Adelaide, and will soon commence in an advisory role as a Senior Threatened Species Ecologist. The first project she will be helping us with is the newly announced restoration project at Mt Vandyke, where her extensive background in threatened mammal reintroduction ecology will be invaluable.
For long-time supporters of NGT, if and when you bump into Bec, Tom and Leah, make sure you make them feel welcome. On behalf of the rest of the team at NGT, it is fantastic to have them on board!