Orange-bellied Parrot Information Session and Field Walk – Saturday 25th June
We hope you can join us for an informative chat about the OBPs (see flyer below with registration details) at Koroit on Saturday 25th June:
Our presentation will cover an update on the OBP recovery program, the winter mainland counts – what’s happening particularly in south-west Vic, and how you can keep an eye out for the birds over the winter.
For those who would like to continue on, the chat will be followed by a site visit to a key search area in the region.
A light lunch and refreshments will be provided, all are welcome and encouraged to come, there will be time to discuss any questions you may have.
You can see more at the OBP Volunteer Winter Counts for south-west Victoria Project Page, or get in touch with me at , ph: 0437 464 004 if you would like more information on the event.
Lauren K