Recapping NGT’s Tasmanian Wetland Restoration Field Day at Moulting Lagoon

NGT, in partnership with the Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC), hosted a field day at Long Point and The Grange properties, which border Moulting Lagoon, on Tuesday 31st May 2022. The field day provided an opportunity for people who recently attended the NGT wetland restoration workshop (and other interested folk) to see the Moulting Lagoon restoration works up close.

The field day was attended by ~20 people, including two NGT staff, TLC staff and representatives from Tasmanian NRM organisations, the Derwent Estuary Program, TLC supporters, Landcare, as well as forestry and environmental consultants. Many attendees had previously engaged with NGT and the Moulting Lagoon restoration project via the workshop we held earlier in May.

Cath Dickson (TLC), Bec (NGT), and Laurel McGinnity (NRM South) kicking things off with an introduction to the project and sites. Photo: Sam Jack.

The field day commenced with an overview of the broader ’Improving the Ecological Character of the Moulting Lagoon and Apsley Marshes Ramsar Sites’ project by Laurel McGinnity (NRM South), followed by a specific overview of the eco-hydrological assessment and restoration works by Bec (NGT). First stop was Yards Hole where we investigated the northern area, recently restored in March 2022, to remediate a series of small dams and an artificial channel to Little Bay, established in the 1990s as part of an aquaculture development. We then traversed the eastern perimeter of Yards Hole to observe the bulk earth works completed in March to backfill essentially a moat that had been built around the perimeter of the Hole as part of the same aquaculture development.

Bec explaining bulk earthworks and restoration of the northern area of Yards Hole to remediate the impact of the former aquaculture works. Photo: Sam Jack.
Crossing over what once was the outlet to Yards Hole. Tidal levels in Little Bay were elevated and the former channel could no longer be seen. Photo: Sam Jack.

Next, we walked across The Grange to Long Point, where Cath Dickson (TLC) introduced us to the reserve and shared its history, values, and threats. We explored the western section of Barkstand channel and Opening Hole, before crossing the channel and climbing up to the elevated Barkstand Point proper to take in the views of the Long Point property and discuss the restoration works planned for summer/autumn 2023. From that vantage point we could see the small western drain and levee and the entire length of the Barkstand channel and associated drainage areas. We unfortunately ran out of time (and light!) to traipse over to the southern end of the eastern levee where we commenced restoration works in March 2022; however, observation of the western levee gave attendees an idea of the scale of the works and the different approach required for these sensitive saltmarsh areas, where linear drainage footprints were developed, likely by convicts, in the mid 1800s.

Crossing Barkstand channel, with Opening Hole in the background. Photo: Sam Jack.

For those of you who were unable to attend, the information we provided to attendees on the day is now available for you to download or print or view below. We also hope to offer another opportunity to those who missed out due to the weather-induced date change, to visit the site during restoration works scheduled for summer/autumn 2023. Please let us know if you are interested.


Overall, the field day was well received by attendees, and it was great for them to have the opportunity to consolidate learnings from the workshop by seeing the restoration works in progress out on site. Many are looking forward to another opportunity to come on a field day with us in 2023…perhaps a follow up at Long Point or an exploration of the Apsley Marshes. We’ll keep you posted!

Thank you to all those that attended and have expressed ongoing interest in this important project. A special thanks to Cath Dickson of TLC for her assistance in helping to coordinate and host the event.

Pleasant trek back to the vehicles and off site in the late afternoon light. Photo: Bec Sheldon.

This project is supported by NRM South, with funding provided via the Australian Government.

Bec Sheldon