Special Second 2021 Edition of Wetlands Australia E-Magazine features NGT stories from Big Marsh and Walker Swamp
This year is the 50th anniversary of the signing of the International Convention on Wetlands in Ramsar, Iran, on the 2nd February 1971, and to mark the occasion the Australian Government has released back-to-back monthly editions of its annual wetland e-magazine, Wetlands Australia.
Last month we explored Issue #33, and the NGT story of the permanent restoration of Long Swamp within the Glenelg Estuary and Discovery Bay Ramsar Site.
This month saw the release of the special second (March 2021) edition – Issue #34 – and we are pleased to be able to share with you two of NGT’s wetland restoration stories that have featured.
Firstly, the story of Big Marsh, which we explored in detail in the newsletter late last year, can be read online here or in the pdf displayed below.
Secondly, a short story about the restoration of Walker Swamp is also presented, which can also be read online here or in the pdf displayed below.
Wetlands-Australia-34-Putting-wetland-restoration-science-into-practice-at-Walker-Swamp-VictoriaThanks to the Australian Government for their ongoing support in sharing these stories of hope for our wetlands across the country.