Time to get your fingernails dirty! East St revegetation Working Bee, Narrawong
Nature Glenelg Trust is holding a Working Bee on Sunday 5th June, starting 11am at a little wetland site at the end of East street in Narrawong.
NGT has been working with the Narrawong District Primary School at this site since 2014 to restore the endangered Swamp Scrub community that once covered a large area of the Surry River and floodplain – you can learn more about the site and project here.
Seedlings are now starting to take a more mature shape, but more work needs to be done to do some supplementary planting, hand weeding and replacing tree guards with some sturdy cages – protecting the plants from Swamp Wallabies in this environment is no mean feat!
All are welcome, with a BBQ lunch provided at the end. Please bring along some sturdy shoes, gloves if you have them and weather-smart clothing. You are asked to register with Lauren, at or ph: 0437 464 004 to help with organising equipment and catering.
This wetland is a wonderful educational space for the school, so it would be great to see you there!