NGT’s First Working-Bee held at Kurrawonga

It was a perfect sunny winter day when some keen NGT staff and volunteers recently arrived at NGT’s new Reserve at Nelson, Kurrawonga, for a busy working-bee. Pumps were fixed, gutters cleaned, fireplaces created, weeding completed and fallen trees removed. Chainsaws were buzzing, brains storming and the new guest-tent was set up and tested.

It was such a peaceful, happy and creative atmosphere and it was great to see how people respond to this wonderful little oasis of bushland that has been entrusted by the Moore family to NGT.


As the current nominated NGT caretaker of this special place, I am very happy to call Kurrawonga home for now, and am looking forward to explore, create and share this space with NGT supporters into the future.

Thanks again to all staff and volunteers who spent their Saturday giving us a hand!

If you are interested in any upcoming events and working-bees at Kurrawonga, please send me an email.

Nicole Mojonnier