Author: Mark Bachmann

Late last week I was notified that NGT has been successful in a grant application previously submitted to the Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources in SA. The grant will see NGT deliver the final field verification and testing stage of a Wetland Condition...

To say that things have been a little hectic since the last blog post would be an understatement! The last week alone has seen me travel to Gorae West near Portland, Hamilton, Canberra and Mount Gambier for a range of talks, meetings and on-ground activities. Highlights included...

What a great day for our region! Today the Australian Government released the list of successful projects under the first round of the Biodiversty Fund.I'm pleased to share the news that Nature Glenelg Trust has been awarded 2 grants, worth almost $2.3M over 6 years,...

Last Thursday I caught the bus to Portland with Brendan (my eldest son), for us to pick up where we left off the Great South West Walk (GSWW) 18 months ago. If you don't know about this spectacular 250km loop hike, then check this link: Crossing the Surrey...