Bird monitoring based on citizen science is coming to the Limestone Coast
A few weeks ago, NGT was given the fantastic news that our application to the SA Government for an Environmental Citizen Science Large Grant had been successful (you can see the full list of recipients here). This funding will allow us to kick off a series of bird monitoring courses later this year, for keen members of the Limestone Coast community, who in turn can then take part in a long-term bird monitoring program across the region’s bushland, to mirror similar programs now underway in other regions.
To follow-up the announcement, I was invited to speak to Bec Chave on the ABC South East Breakfast Radio program, so if you would like to learn more about the project and the value of bird monitoring for detecting environmental change, please take a listen to the interview by clicking play on the audio player below.
NGT’s Dr Greg Kerr, who is based in Hamilton, has developed the 10 week bird training course that will be offered to participants in the program. The training program has been successfully delivered by Greg to hundreds of community members, including for the Grampians National Park, where citizen science based field monitoring has now occurred annually for the past four years, and more recently across the Glenelg Hopkins CMA region, where annual monitoring has just happened for the first time.
If you are interested to learn more about the new program in the Limestone Coast or to register your early interest (noting that the courses will not occur until spring), please email us at .
This project is supported by a grant from the South Australian Government’s Citizen Science Fund