Eaglehawk Waterhole Habitat Restoration Reserve

Humble apologies for not providing an update before now. Burning the candle at both ends and all that!!! Please enjoy a short summary of the people and activities of Eaglehawk Waterhole Restoration Reserve over the last few months to the end of 2016. Water, wetlands, and wildflowers It was a...

We’d like to invite you to join us at our upcoming planting festival on Saturday 18 June. Eaglehawk Waterhole is a 1700 acre private nature reserve owned and managed by NGT. The former grazing property will be restored over the years ahead for native wildlife, and we...

 As mentioned last week in the first of this series of Eaglehawk updates, there has been a lot of action on and around the property in recent months. One important, and ongoing, task at Eaglehawk is weed control, and from September to November new casual NGT...