
Last Saturday, a group of very enthusiastic volunteers gathered at NGT's Long Point Reserve, Dunkeld, to help both Nature Glenelg Trust (NGT) and the Friends Of The Forgotten Woodlands (FOFW) recreate a masterpiece. Long Point lies north-east of Dunkeld and is named after the peninsula of...

Over the past couple of years, we've been exploring the potential for natural wetlands to be restored and enhanced as part of the land-use change process initiated by urban development. For more information on past stories, please follow this link.To highlight this potential, a recent...

On Saturday the 2nd of October, I had the pleasure of being invited to present at the 2021 Tasmanian Community Landcare conference in Launceston. The only problem is that thanks to Covid-19 impacting on travel options, I couldn't attend in person! But every cloud has...

There has been some media lately in the South East of South Australia (the Limestone Coast), that has introduced an exciting new concept in water management for the region - after the local Landscape Board attracted recent investment to establish what have been dubbed "Regional...