
Last month we introduced you to Hanna Swamp, a little known wetland near Wallan, north of Melbourne.This month, we are exploring in fine detail the intricacies of how overarching Victorian Government water policy (like the Integrated Water Management (IWM) Framework and Healthy Waterways Strategy) converges...

The Surry River estuary at Narrawong in south-west Victoria contains the 'Salt-Wedge Estuaries Ecological Community'; which is one of 25 known representations of this community along the southern Australian coastline, from the South Australian/Victorian border to Wilson's Promontory in Gippsland. The Salt Wedge estuary community...

[caption id="attachment_37622" align="alignright" width="300"] Clayton's Crayfish (Euastacus claytoni) [Rob McCormack][/caption] Spiny crayfish from the Euastacus genus are an inconspicuous casualty of the widespread and enduring bushfires that profoundly impacted Australia over 2019–20. As with other freshwater animals, spiny crayfish were not only directly impacted as the...