
Planting season is here, and we have two large community planting events coming up. We would love to see lots of you come along! First up is our annual planting and camping event at Eaglehawk Waterhole on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of August 2019. This...

It's been a busy month in the world of Nature Glenelg Trust's volunteers! We've made a start on our planting for the year and have also been busy in the nursery, getting ready for propagating new seedlings for our planting projects. We've recently had a group of...

[caption id="attachment_34329" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Australasian Bittern near Nobles Rocks[/caption] This curious and nationally endangered Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus) was snapped on our wildlife camera during NGT’s Long Swamp restoration works near Nobles Rocks. This project was funded with the support of the Victorian Government, and was...

As regular readers will know, Glenshera Swamp (including Stipiturus Conservation Park) is one of the largest and most intact examples of the critically endangered Fleurieu Pensinsula Swamps, and a site that NGT have been helping to restore in South Australia. Back in July 2016, several months...

Introducing Kurrawonga’s two-tailed resident! As a self-defence strategy to distract predators, most lizards can drop their tails when hit or stressed. The dropped tail will continue wriggling to catch the predator's attention and allow for the lizard's speedy escape. This self-amputation mechanism is also known...