
Surveys for the Silver Xenica butterfly have commenced once again this autumn with the aim of confirming if two translocation sites near Glencoe (north-west of Mount Gambier in SA) still contain the butterflies. The surveys involve walking at a slow pace along pre-determined transects to...

It’s been roughly a year since we’ve had an update from Eaglehawk Waterhole, NGT's first Restoration Reserve located near Frances, SA. Over the past 12 months, we’ve managed considerable community interest in spending time at Eaglehawk Waterhole on a range of activities, including: bird watching and...

[caption id="attachment_37002" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] The wonderful grassy woodland of Wadmore Park.[/caption] Campbelltown Landcare Group have invited NGT to undertake a fauna survey of Pulyonna Wirra (Wadmore Park) this year. The project aims to collate records on mammals, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates in Wadmore Park, through various...

Introducing Kurrawonga’s two-tailed resident! As a self-defence strategy to distract predators, most lizards can drop their tails when hit or stressed. The dropped tail will continue wriggling to catch the predator's attention and allow for the lizard's speedy escape. This self-amputation mechanism is also known...