Wetland Restoration

Regular readers will recall, from a previous blog, a project at Yundi Nature Conservancy, where NGT is helping landholder and conservationist John Fargher restore an area of the critically endangered Fleurieu Peninsula Swamp ecological community. The property includes some intact areas of Fleurieu Peninsula Swamp,...

This year is not only the 50th anniversary of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, but is also the first year in the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.I was invited by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, to explore...

Over the years at NGT we've worked on wetland restoration investigations and implemented projects at wide range of wetland types. If you have been following these stories for some time, you will have seen how valuable digital elevation data (a Digital Elevation Model or DEM,...

There has been some media lately in the South East of South Australia (the Limestone Coast), that has introduced an exciting new concept in water management for the region - after the local Landscape Board attracted recent investment to establish what have been dubbed "Regional...