Latest News! The Walker Swamp Restoration Trial gets underway…
The NGT blogs this week have a very “Southern Grampians” flavour – and this story is no different…
On Friday the 8th of August 2014, a team of dedicated “sandbaggers” helped Nature Glenelg Trust kick off another important restoration trial in the Southern Grampians. This time we were working at Walker Swamp, a roughly 35 hectare wetland that is situated to the north of Gooseneck Swamp, straddling public (Walker Swamp Lake Reserve) and private land.
Thanks to Macquarie Plantations giving their support to the trial concept, NGT was able to plan and co-ordinate the construction of a sandbag trial weir structure on the outlet drain from Walker Swamp. The structure has been designed to allow water to continue to pass through the site; but aims to prevent the swamp from freely draining to its bed level (prematurely drying out) once inflows slow or cease, as has been the case now for many decades.
For a one minute summary of all the action from the day, check out this video!
We’ll keep you up to date on how things progress, as we watch the site with a great deal of interest over the months ahead.
PS – you might also like to have a look over some still images of the structure being installed below… and a picture of our sandbagging crew!