Let’s talk about the South East Flows Restoration Project
Last night I attended a community information session in Kingston about the South East Flows Restoration Project – a joint initiative of the South Australian and Australian Governments – being delivered by the SA Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.
At NGT we think that this project is worth people hearing about. It has the potential to not only supplement the water needs of the Coorong, but (with some tweaks to its design) it also has the potential to deliver some amazing things for wetlands on the way.
It is the latter point that we think is worth opening up to community discussion before the project moves into its detailed design phase, because current plans do not appear to enable the concept to realise its full potential for wetlands in the Upper South East – like Tilley Swamp, which has excellent restoration potential. In a region with less than 10% of our original wetlands left, this is clearly worth thinking about.

The wetland restoration potential of Tilley Swamp: between Tilley Swamp Conservation Park (bottom right) and Salt Creek (top left)
If you are keen to learn more, then please download a copy of the NGT discussion paper (click this hyperlink) which provides a detailed analysis of NGT’s perspective on the project and how we suggest it might better capitalise on the excellent potential that exists to significantly benefit wetlands in the Upper South East as well as the Coorong.
If you’d like to share your thoughts with us after reading the discussion paper, please get in touch: .