
Heathland is one of the oldest recognised ecosystems in the world and, in southern and western Victoria, is found on flat to gently undulating country. Typically, this ecosystem has nutrient-poor, acidic, sandy soils with vegetation comprised of a dense layer of low growing small-leafed shrubs,...

Surveys for the Silver Xenica butterfly have commenced once again this autumn with the aim of confirming if two translocation sites near Glencoe (north-west of Mount Gambier in SA) still contain the butterflies. The surveys involve walking at a slow pace along pre-determined transects to...

I recently came across this interesting article in the Conversation, which looks at the story of the recovery of the Eastern Barred Bandicoot on three of Victoria's offshore islands - French, Phillip and Churchill Island - and also some of the wider issues facing the...

Victorian-based supporters of NGT now have a new option for financially supporting our work!Nature Glenelg Trust is registered with the Victorian Container Deposit scheme as a charity, which means when you run your eligible single use containers through the recycling machines you can now choose...

Investigator College year 6 students and year 12 conservation and ecosystem management students recently spent two days at their Currency Creek campus undertaking fish surveys with NGT's senior aquatic ecologist, Sylvia. The enthusiastic students sampled six species of native fish, yabbies, freshwater shrimp and turtles....