NGT Out and about in November – Photos from the field
NGT’s Scott Huntley has been finding lots of cute turtles during surveys recently. This little Short-necked Turtle on the right looks like he’s smiling!

There’s been a bit happening around Adelaide recently with the wild release of a couple of threatened fish species (Southern Purple-spotted Gudgeons and Yarra Pygmy Perch), plus an opportunistically spotted Blue-banded Bee. The bee was doing a wonderful job of pollinating my tomatoes the other day using buzz pollination. Buzz pollination is when a bee uses vibration to shake loose hard-to-get pollen, such as in tomatoes. Did you know that this kind of pollination is much more efficient than pollination by non-native European honeybees? Thanks little bee!

Speaking of Southern Purple-spotted Gudgeons – click the image below to see the City of Marion’s video on the recent release.