Reflecting on NGT’s 10th Anniversary Year – and sharing the 2022 NGT Annual Report
Like every one of the almost 11 years that have now passed since NGT began, 2022 has definitely been another big one!
Something that has made this 10th Anniversary Year extra special has been the chance to meet so many partners, friends and supporters of NGT – new and old – out and about in the places that we work to restore, protect and enhance the natural values of our landscape. Just a few of the highlights this year have included:
- Autumn events at Walker Swamp and Mt Vandyke in Victoria, and Moulting Lagoon in Tasmania
- A winter event at NGT’s first reserve, Eaglehawk Waterhole in South Australia
- And a wonderful spring bus tour of a range of NGT’s projects on the Fleurieu Peninsula, also in South Australia
For me personally it was really wonderful to end the year with an informal hike back out at Walker Swamp last Sunday morning, with a group of about 20 NGT supporters. What a great way to unwind at the end of a busy year!
We explored the southern half of the NGT Reserve on foot and, thanks to the recent floods, the wetlands were looking absolutely stunning on a perfect, clear day. As shown in the image below, the first part of the hike followed the boundary between the southern floodplains of the NGT Reserve, which have filled for the first time since restoration in 2019 (shown in the foreground), and wetlands within the Grampians National Park (including Gooseneck Swamp, shown centre right), before we reached Brady Swamp (the large wetland in the background of the image below). The NGT Reserve boundary is also clearly visible and runs diagonally from bottom right to top left.
Once we reached Brady Swamp, which was our turning point before heading back through the centre of Walker Swamp floodplain, along the lunette that runs through the reserve, we paused for a quick group photo. Our intrepid group of explorers consisted of people from both near (Dunkeld, Willaura and Lake Bolac) and afar (from near Melbourne and Adelaide) – and I had a thoroughly enjoyable time with this great bunch of people.
Thanks to everyone coming along and for providing such wonderful company!
By the way, in case we needed any reminding at all about how nature is rapidly and spectacularly bouncing back in this diverse network of wetlands that NGT has gradually been restoring over the past decade, it was provided by the Growling Grass Frog (aka Southern Bell Frog) whose continuous – sometimes deafening – calls were part of the soundscape for the entire hike. In terms of volume, this wonderful sound culminated for us in a little sheltered backwater wetland, where I recorded some audio to give you an idea of the experience…
To close out the year, it is also time to share the latest NGT Annual Report, which was recently approved for public distribution by the NGT Board. You can download your copy here, or read it in the pdf viewer below.
On behalf of everyone at NGT, we hope you have a wonderful festive season with your families, and – with your support – we look forward to another year of positive on-ground action ahead in 2023.
Merry Christmas! – Mark.